Area of Practice

With prowess in multiple fields, we understand the nuances of law and handle them with a difference. Our practice groups specialize in various niche areas and evolve continuously to meet our clients' needs.


Our Partners and Associates are adept at handling litigation both on the Original and Appellate sides. We believe in “out of the box” solutions that address our client’s requirements. Our litigation practice is spread across the Madras High Court-Principal Bench, Madurai Bench, various High Courts, Supreme Court of India, City Civil Courts, National Company Law Tribunal, Debt Recovery Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal, Intellectual Property Appellate Board, Patent office, Design Office, Trade mark Registry Copyright Registry, National Green Tribunal, State/District Consumer Disputes Commission/Forum and other Tribunals/Statutory Boards.


We have a dedicated team with vast expertise in Real Estate due diligence and commercial opinions. We provide a “one stop” solution for property transactions ranging from title due diligence to drafting of documents to registrations. We have advised several major players in the field of Real Estate development on projects in and around Chennai. We handle commercial agreements and opinions with ease and skill.


We offer an unrivalled array of services in arbitration and other modes of alternative dispute resolution. This includes furnishing opinions, functioning as arbitrators, initiating and defending arbitral proceedings etc. We are among the pioneers in arbitration in Tamil Nadu and are widely recognized for our work in Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms.